This picture is taken from the opening of the Mummy Monster theatre performance at The Wardrobe Theatre in Bristol. This version is growing out of our tour of kitchens, and is a chance to expand visually and physically. Continuing to use comedy, we delve into the darker themes of isolation and the experience of ‘losing it.’ We are utilising the research and feedback that we gathered during our tour of kitchens to expand the themes and create an exciting piece of theatre that is not only accessible and relevant to parents, but also to those who are not.
“I want you to freak out. I really want you to go there for us. It’s the solitude that makes it so unbearable.” Audience member: The Wardrobe Theatre
“Most of the women I work with have some fear of health professionals and feel like they will judge their parenting. I like the theme of silence (in the performance). The partner, friends & outside community doesn’t know the extent of it.” Shanti Sherson: Group Facilitator, Dreamtime postnatal depression support group
“I sort of live with the sound of parents. I live with that everyday and I saw the poster and thought I should come… I hear sometimes, particularly with single Mums, its not just things being out of control it’s actually past the edge.” Male audience member: Hamilton House Community Kitchen